08 July 2008

Date for Assessment - July 14th 2008

Cardiff Local Health Board contacted me today to tell me that Pete's assessment will take place at 1pm on Monday 14th July.
There will be a representative from both Social Services and Health and they will be undertaking a joint assessment of Pete's needs.
We have not resolved the issue of a mediator but I have had a personal letter from Edwina Hart which has meant that I am willing to go ahead despite this.
The Director of Social Services in the Welsh Assembly Government, Graham Williams, has met with both Health and Social Services and they have written their first joint letter to us regarding the assessment.
Edwina Hart has expressed her dissatisfaction with the way our situation has developed and has assured us that her "officials will remain in close contact with the local authority and the LHB to establish that progress is being made by them".
As his condition continues to deteriorate I hope that the intervention of the Minister for Health and Social Services will produce the result that Pete deserves - to die at home with dignity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you all and you are in my thoughts.

We can win through in this if we all join forces.

Please go to the link below.


Becky xx