20 April 2008

Dr Bailey, Chairman GPC Wales intervenes

Dear Ms Schelewa

I am writing on behalf of Dr West who has requested help and advice in the matter of the continuing dispute regarding assessment for ongoing healthcare needed for her husband Mr Peter Rees. I have to say that the attitude of Cardiff social services to a hard working practising GP has the potential to do immense damage to future working relationships between the profession and Cardiff Social Services particularly threats to use the POVA legislation a flagrantly bullying tactic that I understand has been used by other social services against Welsh GPs and one which the BMA will not tolerate.

In respect of this specific issue I understand that Cardiff Social Services has refused to respect the decision of independent complaints panel that

“We are of the opinion that an external mediator, experienced in work with social services should be considered to help move from the impasse.

We feel that it should be considered that an assessment of need should be carried out by qualified professional(s) independent of the authority.

Decisions, discussion and outcomes should at all stages be explicit, transparent and recorded, so that the complainant and the authority are clear about actions taken and decisions reached, and their compliance with law and statutory guidance.”

and has instead merely appointed someone unfamiliar with the case to take notes and write a report. I have to say as a practising doctor I am unfamiliar with the concept that a complaints procedure can just be cavalierly ignored if one doesn’t like its conclusions.

I understand that the authority at the very last minute is trying to force through this assessment on Monday 21st against the reasonable concerns of Dr West. Following the bullying and harassment that has left her unable to provide medical services to her patients for the last three months, I find this attitude frankly astonishing.

You selectively quote from the minister’s letter to Dr West so I would remind you that she also said

“They would appoint an independent person to the multi-disciplinary team to ensure an impartial and fair evaluation of your husband’s needs and his eligibility for this type of care. This is, I understand, in line with the stage 3 recommendation in response to the complaint you had made to the authority via its complaints procedure over the way it had handled your husband’s care.” (My italics)

As previously stated I feel your response to the finding of your own complaints procedure does you no credit and I shall certainly reiterate this view to the minister when I meet her later this month.

Clearly both sides are not in agreement with the process. When a satisfactorily constituted assessment is convened I shall be accompanying Dr West for support and look forward to seeing you then.

Dr. David Bailey, Chairman General Practitioners Committee Wales

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